Career Development Coaching

One of the areas we are encouraged to begin to think about whilst qualifying as a coach is the specific focus or niche that we would like to concentrate on.  Technically, a talented coach can successfully coach almost any individual, but as in life, there are bound to be people with whom there is a more natural connection and where specific experience can make the coaching experience even more beneficial.  

Whilst I did not start out with this intention, the majority of my coaching clients have been experienced executives and long-term employees, with 20 years plus of experience. It’s probably a reflection of the network connections I have built up over the years, most of whom are, ahem, more advanced in years than the average.

I have been fortunate enough to have experienced many things in my career, and that process never stops. I worked in a small private business which was sold to a larger business, in a larger business taken over by a huge one, have been part of a leadership team transforming a local business to a global one, and had first hand experience of multiple changes in strategic direction, structure and bosses. So, I can draw on plenty of personal experience to combine with my coaching capabilities.

In addition, I have also transitioned from full on corporate life to working for myself and benefitted from an excellent coach to help guide me along the way. I was fortunate enough to have plenty of time on gardening leave to plan my business, but most people are trying to plan their futures whilst juggling full time work and personal lives. These are major decisions and are not really things that can be addressed in a spare five minutes.

Time, or lack of it, is an issue for everybody. One of the most common pieces of feedback I receive from clients is along the lines of: “Having these sessions in the diary has forced me to think more proactively about my current situation and potential next steps. Without them I would have kept pushing it to the back of my mind.” Sound familiar?

So, if you are an experienced individual who wants to make the next decision or a business which wants to ensure its senior talent is focussed and committed, I believe coaching will be the right solution, so please contact me here or at We can set up an introductory chat with no obligations.

Let’s start the conversation



Work-life balance 2022 style


Two red lines