How did that happen?

When coaching, it is usually the case that a client will start with an issue they are trying to tackle. Often, what becomes clear by the second session is that there is a deeper underlying issue, which is the one that really needs to be tackled.

A good coach will use open questions and give the coachee the space to allow this deeper issue to emerge.

In the UK we’re having a week of reflection about life in the last seven decades. So my major personal reflection, which would probably emerge in coaching session two is… how did I manage to reach my mid-fifties without ever seeing the movie This Is Spinal Tap?

I was 17 when it was released, so was prime cinema-going age, but never went to see it

I like several Rob Reiner movies – A Few Good Men, When Harry Met Sally, The Bucket List etc

I like rock music

I have come across many many references to the movie over the years – only yesterday I was listening to a podcast which referenced ‘turning it up to 11’

Yet I hadn’t seen it until last week

Needless to say I thought it was superbly observed and performed. I laughed a lot

For some reason the line that made me laugh the most came right at the end, about St Hubbins being the patron saint of quality footwear. No idea why it appealed so much – I think it’s the deadpan delivery that does it.

Over the years I expect I’ve nodded sagely whenever the film has been referenced, without ever confirming or denying that I knew what was going on.

The area I would now seek to explore as a coach, is what is the deeper meaning of this issue? What other areas of popular culture have I missed out on, or pretended to be aware of?

That will have to emerge in coaching session three 😊


Solutions-Focused Coaching


Coaching to make a difference